A new kind of detox! This is not about using deprivation to motivate you to change your ways. This is about balance and moderation. There is no reason to do a detox only to go back and “retox”. There are things we should eat/drink/do less of, but we are looking past the 30 days to a future of balance, about adding in occasional treats while still being as healthy as we can and enjoying life fully.
The goal is not to survive the next 30 days, the goal is to thrive from here on out.

Why detox? Because modern life stacks the cards against us. We are exposed to internal and external toxins every day, including carbon dioxide, free radicals, ammonia, inflammation overdrive, heavy metals, pesticides, plastics, industrial chemicals, molds and bacteria. For the most part our body can keep up and process these items – it is what it is supposed to do. But as we age and the burden builds, our body may struggle to keep up and these toxins can accumulate in our tissues and organs. They can disrupt our usual cellular functions and increase the risk of disease. Reducing your body’s overall toxic burden helps promote general health and well being.
Why now? Because you will feel better + have a newfound commitment to your health despite what comes your way during the busy holiday season.
What the program is: It is a gift to yourself. 30 minutes each day for 30 days to focus on what need for yourself to feel better, stronger, happier. You will leave out the stuff that bogs you down, eat lots of nourishing foods, up-regulate your detox system and reset your priorities to better support you! You will feel, think, move and sleep better.
What the program is not: This is not a fast, not a sobriety solution, not an exercise challenge, nor is it a weight loss program. Weight loss may be an added benefit, and this is the perfect program to start with. The program may not be right for certain health conditions. Please do check in with your doctor to ensure this is right for you.
The Goals:
- minimize sugar and other cravings
- build your immune system
- calm your nerves
- get back to your healthy eating and exercise routines
- go into the new year with no need for a resolution
What to expect (details please):
It is pretty easy: Cook – Breathe – Move – Learn
To kick-off your commitment to the 30-day program we offer you the option of a 4-day modified cleanse OR a 10-day detox jump start in addition to the healthy eating plan. If you opt for the 10-day detox jump start there is an additional cost for the supplements. Let us know if you are interested and we can suggest options that will work best for your individual needs.
Cook– Cooking is key to succeeding in the 30 days and for the future. There is no getting around this. Fresh, whole foods is health. Detox starts in your kitchen with you learning new simple recipes that everyone can enjoy. I can teach you how to find organic clean foods that taste amazing.
Breathe– we do not do this enough. Try this… breathe really deeply. Now do it again. It feels good. Breathing is that simple. There is more to know. And I can guide you to better breathing.
Move– Balance. Strength building. Stretching. Cardio. Moving is essential to detox. Fortunately, doing moving does not take very long. After a month of motion you will feel changed. None of us move enough. I will help you move more.
Learn– Each week I will help you learn more about you and how you can detox. We cannot put this in our heads all at once. Learning, like life, takes time.
It is nice to get together to discuss wins, struggles, coping strategies and exciting new discoveries with a online 30-minute group check in. Schedule is TBD based on the group’s availability.
Lastly, it is important to note that the detoxification process can cause some discomfort both mentally and physically. If you opt for the 4-day modified cleanse or 10-day jump start you may see a larger effect. We will provide a list of tips for this. We will also offer an optional list of supplements for full support.
That’s it! We hope you find this informative and inspiring.
Questions or to sign up: 415-722-5011