About melissa

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So far melissa has created 60 blog entries.

The Skinny on Keto (and what to do instead)


The ketogenic diet has taken on new life over the past few years and the trend does not seem to be slowing. Originally developed in the 1920s as a therapeutic means to reduce epileptic seizures,

The Skinny on Keto (and what to do instead)2024-07-29T14:21:38-07:00

Day 29 of the 30 Soups, 30 Days Project


Hopefully you have been treating yourself well this new year. If you have not, consider a spa day at home...use that refined sugar as a body scrub! And when you are all smooth and relaxed,

Day 29 of the 30 Soups, 30 Days Project2025-03-03T02:01:53-08:00

Resting and Relaxing


May 2019 Newsletter Re-post Hello and Happy May Day! I hope you are well and enjoying all the beauty of spring. Rest and Digest We all have heard the term “Fight or Flight” but

Resting and Relaxing2025-03-02T22:28:32-08:00

5 Steps to Glowing Skin from the Inside Out


I’m going to tell you two wildly important things about your skin right out of the gate: Number 1: your skin is the heaviest and largest organ of your body. Number 2: your skin is

5 Steps to Glowing Skin from the Inside Out2025-03-02T22:02:40-08:00

A quick message that explains a lot


According to classical Ayurvedic texts, "There is nothing in the world which does not have therapeutic utility in appropriate conditions and situations." Conversely, no food or herb is assumed to help everyone always. Remember we

A quick message that explains a lot2025-03-02T20:58:55-08:00

Day 26 of the 30 Soups, 30 Days Project


Still rolling with the breakfast soup theme today...here is something totally different and super easy. Either one should be able to get the rest of the house onboard. Today we have Raw Apple Cauliflower Soup.

Day 26 of the 30 Soups, 30 Days Project2025-03-02T19:43:58-08:00